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Terms of Use & Privacy policy



Apartments Sabine

Egger Josef family

Kanonikus-Gamper-Weg, 6

I-39030 Valdaora (BZ)

Tel. +39 0474 496023

Fax: +39 0474 592122




Legal representative: Egger Josef

VAT number: IT00596710210

Responsible for content according to RStV § 55, paragraph 2: Egger Sabine (address as above)




Appartements Sabine endeavors to the best of its ability to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate. However, liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided is excluded. Furthermore, Appartements Sabine is not responsible for the content of websites connected externally via hyperlinks. Appartements Sabine reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided without notice.


Owner of the processing of personal data

The owner of the processing of personal data resulting from access to and use of the website is Appartements Sabine, Kanonikus Gamper Weg -6, I-39030 Olang (BZ).


Image sources

Apartments Sabine,, Tourismusverien Olang, SMG


© APPARTEMENTS SABINE 2015 - All rights reserved.









In order for this internet portal to function properly, we sometimes place small files – so-called cookies – on your device. This is common for most large websites.


What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a web portal leaves on your computer, tablet computer or smartphone when you visit it. This allows the portal to “remember” certain entries and settings (e.g. login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a certain period of time and you do not have to make these again each time you visit or navigate the portal.

How do we use cookies?

We use cookies for storage on our pages

  • Your screen display preferences, e.g. Contrast and font size

  • Your participation in a survey about the usefulness of the content (so that you are not asked to respond again by a pop-up window)

  • Your decision to use (or against) cookies on this portal.

Some videos embedded on our pages also use cookies to create anonymous statistics about the pages previously visited and the videos selected.

Although accepting cookies is not absolutely necessary to use the portal, it does make surfing more pleasant. You can block or delete cookies - however this may affect some functions of this portal.

The information collected using cookies is not used to identify you and the data is entirely under our control. The cookies do not serve any purposes other than those stated here.


Are other cookies also used?

Some of our pages or subpages may use additional or different cookies than those described above. If necessary, their properties will be specified in a special note and your consent to their storage will be obtained.


Control over cookies

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish. You can find out how here: You can delete all cookies stored on your computer and set most browsers to prevent cookies from being stored. However, you may then have to make some settings manually each time you visit a site and accept that some functions will be impaired.










Call us to book

T. 0474-496023

M. 348-7248947

Find us

K.-Gamper-Weg, 6

Via Canonico Gamper, 6

Olang-Valdaora (BZ) - Italia

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 ©2015 by Appartements Sabine ǀ Olang        Privacy policy           VAT No. Partita IVA: IT-00596710210

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